Fellowship Blog

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

We have all heard the saying that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I agree with this statement 100% and believe that we become what we think. A

John Maxwell and The Leadership Handbook

Leadership?  What is it?  Where can I get it? And do they carry it at BigBox Mart? I will tell you from past experience, leadership is the

Visit with Representative Scott Martin, Norman Oklahoma District 46

As I write these account of my travels I am reminded of a couple of things.  Foremost in my mind is just how very blessed I am to live in a country where

Strengths Based Leadership Tom Rath

Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, Strategic Thinking. These are all strength themes developed over 30 years by Gallup research which was then

A Perspective on Finding the Best & Brightest Educators for Schools

I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Joe Lampert, the Director of Human Resources for the Metropolitan School District of Pike Township in Indianapolis,

Celebrating Mentors Who Matter!

As a part of the ACTE Fellows Program, we are provided with a past fellow to be our mentor. I have had the pleasure of working with Patrick Biggerstaff

Connections: CTE and Chamber of Commerce

Have you tapped into the resources your chamber of commerce can provide to your students and CTE Program? Maumelle High School has discovered a great

Critical Lessons Every Leader Needs

This year as part of ACTE’s Fellowship Program, we read John Maxwell’s, “The Leadership Handbook.”  Each member of the Fellowship Program is

Winning with People

 What’s more important, the technical skills or soft skills?  That’s the discussion we have when training career-tech students and also

Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education Executive Director Interview

I had the opportunity to meet with Ohio’s ACTE Executive Director this week, Christine Gardner.  Christine shared a lot of initiatives that Ohio

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