Press Kit

Media Communications

To arrange an interview with ACTE® staff or other CTE experts, please contact:

Hannah Richards
Media and Advocacy Coordinator

Quick Links

Follow the links below to find infographics, news sources, fact sheets and additional resources to help you learn more about career and technical education (CTE) at a glance.

  • What is CTE?: Basic information about CTE
  • CTE Policy Watch Blog: Latest news on CTE-related policy and public affairs
  • CTE State Fact Sheets: State-specific information about CTE, including delivery models, enrollment statistics and prominent employment sectors
  • CTE Month®: Information about the CTE community’s annual celebration of student achievement
  • ACTE Policy Agenda: Learn more about the top federal policy priorities for ACTE and its membership
  • ACTE Public Policy Social Media: ACTE’s Public Policy Department maintains a Twitter page that serves as a source of up-to-date CTE news as it breaks.

Visit the Press FAQ page for answers to our most common questions.

Media Kit: Access biographical information and hi-res headshot of ACTE’s Executive Director, LeAnn Curry

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