CTE Publications

ACTE regularly produces reports, briefs, fact sheets and other publications about CTE policy, research and practice.

Facts About CTE

  • Fact Sheets: These one-pagers include quick facts and research points about CTE.
  • Sector Sheets: Sector Sheets, sponsored by Pearson, describe CTE’s role in growing the qualified workforce for high-growth, high-demand industries.
  • State Fact Sheets: These one-pagers describe the CTE system in each state.


High-quality CTE


Perkins V Implementation


Business Partnerships & Student Career Development


CTE Educator Pipeline

  • Career and Technical Education Leadership Series: Landscape of CTE Leaders (December 2021): This publication shares data on CTE leaders, such as numbers of administrators, preparation and responsibilities.
  • Teacher Recruitment and Retention: The National Teach Ag Campaign: The report describes a years-long successful campaign to encourage students to enter the field of teaching, the National Teach Ag Campaign from the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE).
  • NEW State and Local Strategies for Diversifying the CTE Educator Workforce and Recruiting Diverse Educators: A Database of Organizations Representing Underserved Populations (January 2024): This report, created in partnership with Advance CTE, presents common challenges to diversifying the CTE educator workforce, identifies promising practices to overcome these challenges, and provides actionable strategies and recommendations for local and state leaders. Read the full report or the executive summary and explore the companion database of organizations that CTE leaders can connect with to recruit educators from under-represented populations to teach in CTE.


Federal and State Policy


Additional Publications

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