Distance Learning Resources
To support CTE educators with the transition to socially distanced, remote and blended/hybrid learning environments, ACTE is pleased to offer:
- 150+ online CTE Learn courses through ACTE and MaxKnowledge. Courses cover a range of topics, including teaching CTE remotely, and are self-paced. Each course takes approximately 4 hours to complete.
- ACTE’s guide to help CTE educators prepare for delivering CTE in the new school year, High-quality CTE: Planning for a COVID-19-Impacted School Year
- ACTE recently wrapped up a series of webinars to further dive into 2020-21 planning. View the recordings.
For additional resources that ACTE compiled during spring 2020 to support CTE educators, please visit the tabs below:
Cross/Multidisciplinary CTE Resources
Cross-disciplinary Resources
These are resources for career development, employability skill development, project management, industry engagement and other topics that can be integrated into any CTE subject area.
- A Guide to Supporting STEM Education for Students with Disabilities
- Skills to Succeed Academy online multimedia experience for student career planning, exploration and employability skill development (Accenture)
- To access free modules, visit http://s2sacademy.org and register with ACTE Student Code 04ATgl and ACTE Staff Code 04ATgl9999 (this provides additional resources just for teachers and advisers)
- CareerPrepped lifelong career success system with virtual work-based learning activities and multi-media learning experiences addressing 43 “soft skills,” including a digital portfolio, targeted resume builder, interview prep videos and a job center (Max Knowledge)
- CareerPrepped is free for ACTE Members, including members of ACTE’s Unified State Association Partners, through the generous support of MaxKnowledge, Inc.
- Career planning tools addressing career pathways and employability skills in the global economy (The Center for Global Education at Asia Society, ACTE and Advance CTE)
- All materials are available completely free-of-charge thanks to generous support from the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation. For more information, contact Heather Singmaster (hsingmaster@asiasociety.org) with any questions.
- eDynamic Learning free activities and resources for career discovery: https://edynamiclearning.com/category/activity and https://edynamiclearning.com/career-compass
- How to Use Xello for Remote Learning
- CareerExplorer virtual career exploration, work-based learning and early learner solutions for states: https://headed2.com
- Headed2 is making its virtual career planning resource available for all 50 states and Puerto Rico at no cost through the end of this academic year.
- Microburst EmployABILITY Soft Skills Program and distance learning resources:
- The EmployABILITY Soft Skills Program is now virtually accessible for all levels. Contact Microburst Learning for more information: 803-719-5073, chat or email info@microburstlearning.com.
- Microburst is also offering free soft skills content for distance learning, including an activity to help students develop their planning and organizing skills and the “Why Soft Skills” Lesson
- EnvisionIT free college and career readiness curriculum addressing career readiness/transition planning, IT literacy, reading/writing and financial literacy
- Soft Skills High virtual solution for teaching, assessing and certifying students in 21st century essential skills
- Emerge with Rubin online training for business communication skills (Danny Rubin):
- To access 11 free assignments from the Emerge with Rubin online program, complete the form
- PMIEF Fundamentals of Project Management resource library
- Nebraska Career Clusters virtual industry tours
- ConnectED Day at Work Videos
- Careers in the Military (ASVAB CEP)
- FabFems database of women in STEM professions who are inspiring role models for young women
- CTSO Virtual Conference Tips and Tricks (Jen Girvin, Colorado FBLA-PBL State Adviser, and Kent Seuferer, Iowa CTSO State Adviser)
Multidisciplinary Resources
These are resources for discipline-specific curriculum and assessments across multiple CTE subject areas.
- The CTE Distance Learning publication, created by the California Department of Education’s Career and College Transition Division in partnership with ACTE, CTEOnline.org and the San Diego County Office of Education’s Office of College and Career Readiness, highlighted sector-specific lesson plans, webinars and resources
- Today’s Class online curriculum in Agriculture, Automotive/Diesel Technology, Barbering, Cosmetology, Health Science and Workplace Readiness
- Contact dboyes@todaysclass.com to set up an account.
- NOCTI Digital Study Guides and Credentialing Assessments:
- For schools and states that would like to purchase digital study guides that had not purchased either in the past, contact nocti@nocti.org.
- Goodheart-Wilcox Learning Companion digital curriculum and activities
- Nasco lesson plans and activities in STEM, FCS and Health Education
- Educate.Today free videos and tools in a variety of CTE subject areas
- Career Exploration category includes Business/Industry, Health/Sports, Law/Criminology, Education, Media Fields, Public Service/Government and more
- STEM/STEAM category includes Robotics, Engineering, Infrastructure, Aviation, Transportation and more
- CTE Online free teacher-created curriculum resources
- CTE Online is curating lessons, projects and resources for all 15 industry sectors in the CTE Distance Learning Group at https://www.cteonline.org/groups/view/CTEDLR. Users will need to log-in or sign up for a free account to access.
- Career Cluster-specific lesson ideas, online curriculum and online certifications (curated by the Career & Technical Association of Texas)
- Shared drive of lesson plans in construction, woodworking, welding, agriculture, photography, video production, automotive, and other subjects developed by two technology teachers from Southeast Kansas: Email tmaiseroulle@vikingnet.net, using an email address connected to a Google account.
- MIT Open Courseware in STEM, Business and Health and Medicine
- Quizizz free online quizzes in CTE, Computer Science and Skills, and Health
- Described and Captioned Media Program free educational videos for learners with visual and hearing impairments (U.S. Department of Education)
- Click on “Browse Topics” to find relevant videos
- Business topic includes Agriculture, Construction, Energy, Industry, Management and Manufacturing
- Careers topic includes Automotive Maintenance and Repair, Industrial Arts, Welding, Job Skills and Occupations
- Home and Family topic includes Carpentry, House Construction, Cooking and Child Development
- Health and Safety topic
- Technology topic
Agricultural Education
- FFA remote teaching resources
- Ag Education Discussion Lab (Facebook group)
- Resources to support agriculture teachers during remote learning (Wakelet curated by Dr. Robin McLean)
- Georgia Agricultural Education:
- Minnesota Agricultural Education Virtual Classroom Support
- Learn About Ag
- University of Florida IFAS Extension Online Agricultural Education Resources
- PennState Extension SAY Clearinghouse with resources on agricultural safety and health
- Louisiana FFA virtual lessons
- The Raw Truth About Beef online educational experience (Texas Beef Council)
- Agricultural Mechanics identification platform (California State University, Chico)
- Coffee with a Farmer video interviews (Center for Land-based Learning)
Business/Marketing/Financial Literacy
Business/Marketing Education and Financial Literacy
- MBA Learning Center (MBA Research and Curriculum Center)
- Aquilla Social Media Mindset marketing curriculum
- Virtual Enterprises International free curriculum and resources:
- VE Online Resource Guide for All Schools: Based on the VE model of career exploration and career development courses, this resource guide provides schools with online learning activities that will help students and educators develop lessons applying to multiple subject areas. Learn more at https://veinternational.org/online-learning.
- Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Case Bank
- U.S. Small Business Association free online business courses
- Knowledge Matters business and marketing simulations
- Sports Career Consulting free lesson plans
- YE Academy for Youth Entrepreneurs resources
- National Retail Federation RISE Up training
- Reach out to NRF anytime at RISEUp@nrf.com.
Financial Literacy
- When to Start a College Fund for your Child: This free resource highlights the following: When to Start Saving for College, Best Ways to Start a College Fund for Parents & Guardians, College Savings Tips for Future Students, and more.
- How to Teach Kids About Money
- Students & Financial Literacy
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau youth financial education resources
- EconEdLink free lesson plans, tools and videos (Council for Economic Education)
- Next Gen Personal Finance free online games and activities: https://www.ngpf.org/arcade and https://www.ngpf.org/curriculum/mini-units/activities
- HowTheMarketWorks and PersonalFinanceLab.com free resources:
- HowTheMarketWorks free stock game, which includes built-in lessons and assessments, tutorial videos, lesson plans and teacher training webinars, and related distance learning resources: https://www.howthemarketworks.com and https://education.howthemarketworks.com/the-htmw-distance-learning-toolkit
General/Crossdisciplinary Resources
- Information Technology Career Resources for Professionals
- Changing the Curve: Women in Computing
- Project Lead The Way (PLTW):
- COVID-19 teacher resources for technology and engineering education (International Technology and Engineering Educators Association):
- CompTIA ITFundamentals+CertMaster, voucher extensions, remote testing options and Instructor Network webinars:
- Online testing
- CompTIA Instructor Network on-demand webinars
- Cisco e-learning resources and online testing:
- Networking Academy Packet Tracker free networking simulation tool
- Cisco DevNet Sandbox free tools for development and testing
- Online testing for Cisco certification exams
- C-STEM Studio free platform in computing and robotics (UC Davis)
- NASA Robotics Alliance Project
- Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy
- FIRST Robotics @ Home
- Kiss Institute Practical Robotics free supplemental curriculum
- EngineerGirl career exploration and videos about women in engineering
- IEEE resources:
- REACH open education resource on the history of technology, its role in society and technological literacy skills
- Try Engineering eLearning Resources
- Robots
- Future Engineers online STEM/STEAM challenges
- EDISON gamified engineering design software
- National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center resources
CAD/CAM/3D Printing/Makerspaces
- Autodesk free software, content and curriculum
- Free software: Autodesk has granted access to its tools to students and educators for the past five years with no charge. This remains unchanged. Please visit www.autodesk.com/education to get started.
- Free content & curriculum: Autodesk has packaged content for educators to support distance learning efforts and self-paced training for students. Visit https://academy.autodesk.com/ to find resources.
- Fusion 360 free 3D CAD/CAM design software
- Tinkercad free online collection of software tools
- Fab@School Maker Studio web-based design and fabrication tool
- Makers Empire Learning at Home resources
- DIY library of hands-on projects for kids
- MakerBot:
- 3D printing initiatives to combat COVID-19
- Student Certification Classroom Solution at a significant discount
- WeTeach_CS
- The WeTeach_CS channel on YouTube.com contains over 200 videos related to computer science learning concepts and skills.
- Beauty and Joy of Computing: an AP CS Principles course (University of California, Berkeley and Education Development Center, Inc.)
- Code Break interactive computer science classroom with weekly challenges to engage students of all abilities, even those without computers
- MIT App Inventor
- Hour of Code tutorials
General STEM Resources
- STEM in 30 and Smithsonian Learning Lab (Smithsonian Institution): https://airandspace.si.edu/connect/stem-30 and https://learninglab.si.edu/distancelearning
- PBS Learning Media: Engineering and Technology (PBS)
- NOVA Energy Lab and Cybersecurity Lab games (PBS)
- Resource library (National Geographic)
- Flinn Scientific STEM activities and video labs
- Flinn’s WhiteBox Learning is a standards-based STEM learning solution for grades 6-12
- Colorado STEM Network
- K-12 STEM lesson plans and activities (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education)
Additional Resources
- All About Circuits free video lectures
- The University of Texas at Austin’s Petroleum Extension (PETEX®) e-learning
- Aviation 101 free, self-paced course (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
- CSI: The Experience Web Adventures (Rice University)
- Resources for Online Biosciences Learning (Amgen Biotech Experience): https://www.amgenbiotechexperience.com/resources-online-biosciences-learning and https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C0YbCFLQc8pgG5_z-ts9rvgM3PscQmLU76Hj2w3bTWc/edit#gid=1728867575
- What’s in a Label? Exploring Fuel Economy and the Environment lesson (EPA)
- Green Careers Webinar Series with sustainability professionals (SEI Energize Careers)
- Path to Aviation pilot and teacher handbook (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association)
Family and Consumer Sciences and Culinary/Hospitality Education
- National Retail Federation RISE Up training: https://nrffoundation.org/training-and-credentials/retail-industry-fundamentals
- Reach out to NRF anytime at RISEUp@nrf.com.
- Culinary instructional videos (National Center for Hospitality Studies at Sullivan University): https://pages.sullivan.edu/educators/?fbclid=IwAR1McqKQUjneSIMxIvDt_GeqqnxY5WNgKxt0ahDdC6i1ds9Gv5ovJufgt1M#InstructionalVideos
- American Culinary Federation video library: https://www.acfchefs.org/ACF/Resources/Video_Library/ACF/Resources/Video
- MSU Denver ProStart video library: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLogrScrubp6kVqHqCuEpn89bfQypAqqIe
- Culinary Institute of America video library: https://library.culinary.edu/c.php?g=386373&p=2621272
- Fundamentals of Baking free course (Baker Bettie): https://bakerbettie.teachable.com
- Virtual field trips of hotels around the world and video interviews with hotel staff: http://www.virtualfieldtrips.edu.au/vft/index.html
- NDSU Extension nutrition and food safety resources (North Dakota State University): https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/food
- FDA.gov Science and Our Food Supply curriculum: https://www.fda.gov/food/students-teachers/science-and-our-food-supply
- Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising classroom activities: https://fidm.edu/en/about/educator-outreach/classroom-activities/?cmpid=em_educators
- Distance Learning Documents and Links for FCS Educators (CTE Online): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GuMTfjfP70I2NjiW4d6PLYCgDT93BXcl
- FCS Content-specific E-learning Resources (National Partnership to Recruit, Prepare, and Support FCS Educators): https://www.fcsed.net/fcsed/support/support-resources/support-resources-elearning-fcs
- FCS e-learning resources
Health Sciences
Health Sciences Education
- CNA Career Paths: https://www.premiernursingacademy.org/certified-nursing-assistant/cna-career-paths/
- How to Become a CNA: https://www.premiernursingacademy.org/certified-nursing-assistant/how-to-become-a-cna/
- Online vs. Hybrid vs. Campus Learning in Healthcare
- Guide to Online Learning in Medical and Health
- NHA remote proctoring and exam rescheduling (National Healthcareer Association): https://info.nhanow.com/transitioning-online
- NHA has made live remote proctoring available for all nationally accredited certification exams.
- Candidates can reschedule up to and including the day of testing at no penalty and no documentation required.
- During the COVID-19 outbreak and for a reasonable time thereafter as programs resume normal operations, the board has authorized CPT & CET candidates to take their certification exam upon completion of required coursework and to receive the appropriate pass/fail result.
- KbPort™ COVID-19 Relief Effort: https://kbport.com/kbport-covid-19-relief-effort
- KbPort™ is contributing free access to its cloud-based clinical educational tools, SimEMR® and Virtual MedsManager™, to all institutions.
- Anatomy in Clay free resources: https://www.anatomyinclay.com/free-resources
- The Great Diseases online curriculum (Tufts University School of Medicine Center for Science Education): https://sites.tufts.edu/ctse/great-diseases
- Teaching Tomorrow’s Disease Detectives: Science skills for the problem-based world (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/careerpaths/scienceambassador/educational/index.html
- PBS Learning Media: Health and Physical Education (PBS): https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/subjects/health-and-physical-education/
- HOSA E-Learning Resources: http://www.hosa.org/node/413
- Body Interact COVID-19 virtual scenario: https://covid19.bodyinteract.com
- Biology Simulations: https://www.biologysimulations.com
- National Consortium for Health Science Education Wednesday webinars: https://www.healthscienceconsortium.org/webinars
- Virtual Ed Camp: Leave Your Troubles, Pack Your Excitement: https://youtu.be/mm2OyNAex1A
- Explore Health Careers: https://explorehealthcareers.org
- National Institutes of Health Resources for Educators: https://www.nih.gov/research-training/science-education#teachers
- CATCH Health at Home (CATCH Global Foundation): https://www.catch.org/pages/health-at-home
Trade and Industrial Education
General/Crossdisciplinary Resources
- Manufacturing Skills Guide and Manufacturing Definitions Guide from Propel
- A Beginner’s Guide To Welding Safety https://primeweld.com/blogs/news/welding-safety-guide
- NC3 Certification Centers Resources: https://www.nc3.net/keep-cte-moving
- NC3 is waiving in-person certification requirements.
- Request 30-day access to NC3 Certificates of Knowledge for Snap-on, Trane, Lincoln, Electric, Greenlee and 3M at the link above.
- Online Resources for Trades Teachers (Harbor Freight Tools for Schools): https://harborfreighttoolsforschools.org/online-resources-for-trades-teachers and https://harborfreighttoolsforschools.org/more-support-for-skilled-trades-teachers-during-covid-19
- NCCER virtual training options, remote proctoring and free online testing (National Center for Construction Education & Research):
- Instructor-led training may be conducted online
- Construction trades online lesson plan sharing (National Association of Home Builders):
- 1. Go to classroom.google.com and click “Sign In.” Sign in with your Google Account. 2. At the top of the page, click “Add” (or +), then “Join class.” 3. Enter the class code and click “Join.” NAHB has two Google Classrooms: secondary (use code 7zqbfqb) and postsecondary (use code wmsnhju).
- Please note, the classroom codes will read “invalid” with most school Google accounts. If you encounter difficulties, you may need to use your personal Google account.
- Wood Working Elearning Plans 2020 (Google Doc created by teacher Ashley O’Connor): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Ta63LuMVleXDowtMpr3qRjfmPdL9Bd1/view
- Caterpillar University free training: https://www.t4na.caterpillaruniversity.com
- From the Ground Up video series showing the construction of a football stadium, narrated by Mike Rowe: https://www.raiders.com/video/from-the-ground-up
- Esco Institute webinars on HVACR topics: https://www.gotostage.com/channel/4c3f3b7232b94b4588b4d92298abb0cb
- AWS free Safety in Welding course
- Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME-USA) is collecting information on distance learning contingency plans for FAME students: fame@nam.org.
- Manufacture Your Future virtual field trips
- Fabricators & Manufacturers Association learning resources
- Weld-Ed free PowerPoint slides sets:
- Miller OpenBook™ Free E-Learning & Welding Training Materials: https://www.millerwelds.com/resources/article-library/new-learning-management-system-designed-for-welding-instructors and https://www.millerwelds.com/industries/welding-education-and-training
- OpenBook™ is an online LMS consisting of a variety of e-learning modules that help instructors assign and deliver welding content, create quizzes, download welding labs, monitor student participation, and assess student progress and performance. Miller intends to continue offering OpenBook™ for free to schools, industrial customers, unions, military and other learning facilities, even after this crisis ends.
- SolidWorks free resource download: https://www.solidworks.com/sw/education/SDL_form.html
- Use SDK_ID: TCOVID19 and choose the current SolidWorks version
- During the download process you will receive an email with the 24-character serial number needed to install and activate.
- Students can use an online version of SolidWorks for 10 hours by visiting my.solidworks.com and clicking on “Try SolidWorks” at the top of the page, then “Sign Up.”
- Autodesk free software, content and curriculum: https://www.autodesk.com/education/covid19
- Free software: Autodesk has granted access to its tools to students and educators for the past five years with no charge. This remains unchanged. Please visit www.autodesk.com/education to get started.
- Free content & curriculum: Autodesk has packaged content for educators to support distance learning efforts and self-paced training for students. Visit https://academy.autodesk.com/ to find resources.
- Fusion 360 free 3D CAD/CAM design software: http://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/students-teachers-educators
- Tinkercad free online collection of software tools: https://www.tinkercad.com/circuits
- Mastercam learning tools:
- Access Mastercam classes and teaching kits for free through July 31: https://signup.mastercam.com/free-mastercam-training-education
- Students can download a free Home Learning Edition: https://signup.mastercam.com/demo-hle
- camInstructor: https://share.hsforms.com/1vMICfJtsTdOdFNI6nMjqFA2bydq
- camInstructor is providing online access to instructors and students to our Mastercam Mill 2D, 3D, Lathe and Solids training material for a period of 30 days free of charge.
- MakerBot:
- 3D printing initiatives to combat COVID-19: https://www.makerbot.com/stories/professional-3d-printing-resources/makerbot-3d-printing-initiative-to-combat-covid-19
- Student Certification Classroom Solution at a significant discount: https://pages.makerbot.com/20certificationonline.html
- SketchUp 3D modeling software: https://www.sketchup.com/products/sketchup-for-schools
- SketchUp for Schools will be available to everyone through September 30 without the previous requirement of a school subscribing to Google Apps for Education or Microsoft Education platforms.
- Onshape SaaS CAD solution: https://www.onshape.com/cad-blog/ptcs-commitment-to-you-our-customers-during-covid-19
- PTC is making freely available its Onshape SaaS CAD solution, plus the associated learning resources, to high schools and universities that wish to offer collaborative virtual STEM and 3D CAD classes to students learning at home, on their own devices. Please contact PTC Academic at www.ptc.com/en/academic-program/contact-us if there is a school you would like us to engage.
- Sandvik metal cutting e-learning: https://www.sandvik.coromant.com/en-us/metal-cutting-e-learning/pages/default.aspx
- Verisurf software training for QC metrology: https://web.immerse2learn.com/web/product/verisurf-inspection
- Free for 3 months
- Amatrol e-Learning: https://amatrol.com/covid19-prevention
- Amatrol has set up a special, 3-month code that will cover the remainder of your semester without having to purchase an entire annual lease.
Automotive/Truck/Heavy Vehicle/Diesel
- ASE Education Foundation Online Training Resources for Auto, Truck and Collision Instructors and Students: http://www.aseeducationfoundation.org/elearning
- Automotive Service Excellence:
- ASE is offering students at ASE Accredited training programs free access to its Introduction to Automobile Service program through July 31. Learn more at https://www.ase.com/Tests/Intro-to-Automobile-Service.aspx and https://www.acteonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/The-CASE-for-Career-Pathways-Case-Sara.pdf
- Haas Automation learning resources: https://www.haascnc.com/myhaas/Haas_Learning_Resources.html?
- CDX automotive distance learning exercises: https://blog.cdxlearning.com/blog
- Haynes free and discounted online automotive manuals: https://haynes.com/en-us
- Electude heavy vehicle systems education and training: https://www.electude.com/covid-19-support
- Electude is offering different solutions to help instructors and trainers with the acute challenge of their students or trainees working from home. Contact your Electude representative or send an email to workfromhome@electude.com
- Electude is offering free access to its online automotive and CCAR eSafety training solutions until August 1: https://www.aseeducationfoundation.org/uploads/ElectudeCCAR.pdf
- Distributed Learning: Teaching Automotive & Diesel in Isolation online discussions (Consulab): https://www.consulab.com/us/en/resources
- Attend daily online discussions at 2pm EDT/11am PDT
- Watch recordings of prior discussions
- General Motors/ACDelco online training program:
- ACDelco is proud to announce an online training program available at no cost to all ASE Accredited high school and college instructors and students. Instructors must register their participation in the program prior to enrolling students. To register, please have your school program’s ASE Education Foundation Program ID (six-digit number) available. If you don’t know it, contact the Foundation at info@aseEducationFoundation.org.
- Once you have the program ID number, call the ACDelco Aftermarket Training Help Desk at 1-800-825-5886 (Prompt 0) Mon. – Fri. 8AM – 5PM Eastern Time or send an email to acdelcotraininghelp@trainingsupportadmin.com.
- Axalta free eLearning modules on collision topics: http://www.axaltalearningcampus.com
- Gates Performance Center eLearning Portal (belts, tensioners, hoses, water pumps, cooling systems and hydraulics): https://gatesaftermarkettrainingcenter.com
- If you want to provide access for your students, send an email to Bobby Bassett at Robert.Bassett@gates.com
- Grote Know-How online resources (electrical basics, vehicle lighting, installation and troubleshooting): https://www.grote.com/know-how
- Schrader Academy TPMS e-Training: https://www.tpmsacademy.com/en-US/Default.aspx
- Timken Tech online training and resources: http://www.timken.com/techseries and https://www.timken.com/automotive-techtips-training-resources
- Truck-Lite Training institute online courses: https://trucklitecollc.mindflash.com/catalog/?ca=1784821872
- 3M Collision Repair Academy eLearning modules: https://www.acteonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/3Microsoft_Dec4-scaled-2.jpg
- National Auto Collision Instructor Association (Facebook group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/NatAutColInsAssoc
- S/P2 Workplace Mentoring program: https://sp2.org/workplace-mentoring-schools
- S/P2 is providing its Workplace Mentoring system to schools and shops at no cost for the 2019-2020 school year. The S/P2 Workplace Mentoring program is specifically designed to help schools and businesses work together to grow the next generation of automotive service, collision repair and refinish, and heavy-duty/diesel technicians.
Additional Resources
- All About Circuits free video lectures: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/video-lectures
- Born Again Boating boat maintenance video tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWZhbfXDCg7_PvlwvierP1A
- Path to Aviation pilot and teacher handbook (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association): https://www.acteonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/The-CASE-for-Career-Pathways-Case-Sara.pdf
- Milady and COVID-19 Pandemic: https://milady.cengage.com/milady-and-covid19
Adult Ed
Adult Basic Skills Education
- List of resources on preparing for and offering adult basic skills online during the pandemic (LINCS Community, Courses and Resources for Adult Education): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LRfzTKoL49tyFkRd0Tq66vhe5H-lD577CSzMxxe4wNg/edit
- Adult Basic Education Distance Learning Resource Site (EdTech Center @ World Education, Inc.): https://edtech.worlded.org/tips-for-distance-learning
- Adult Education Research and Technical Assistance Center COVID-19 resources for adult education (American Institute for Research): https://www.air.org/center/adult-education-research-and-technical-assistance-center-aertac#covid
Counselors/Career Development Professionals
Counselors and Career Development Professionals
- NCDA COVID-19 Career and Mental Health Resources (National Career Development Association):
- Teaching Online Career Development Classes (free chapter from Osborn (2016), Teaching Career Development): https://associationdatabase.com/aws/NCDA/asset_manager/get_file/438030?ver=107
- SREB School Counseling from a Distance webinars: https://www.sreb.org/webinar/school-counseling-distance
Distance Learning Tips & Resources
General Distance Learning and Teaching
- Free distance learning lessons and projects (Adobe Education Exchange)
- Travel from home: 13 virtual museums and galleries to tour
- Learning Keeps Going (COVID-19 Education Coalition)
- Online Teaching Resources and Effective Online Teaching Practices (Association of College and University Educators)
- Continuity Planning and Emergency Preparedness (Online Learning Consortium)
- Stanford Teach Anywhere Best Practices (Stanford University)
- Working and learning online during a pandemic (Pearson)
- Best Practices in Online Learning (University of Illinois Board of Trustees)
- How to Be a Better Online Teacher: Advice Guide (Chronicle of Higher Education)
- So You Want to Temporarily Teach Online (Inside Higher Ed)
- Transitioning to Online Learning: Pro Tips on What You Need to Know (ASCD Inservice)
- Preparing to Take School Online? Here Are 10 Tips to Make it Work (EdSurge)
- 10 strategies for online learning during a coronavirus outbreak (International Society for Technology in Education)
- Building a Community of Learning (Southern New Hampshire University)
- Student resources for online learning: virtual platforms, student internet discounts and study tips (Allconnect.com)
- 4 Common Challenges Facing Online Learners and How to Overcome Them (Purdue University Global)
- Understanding the Impact of Coronavirus on K-12 Education: Weekly Webinar Series (International Society for Technology in Education and EdSurge)
- COVID-19 resources (curated by International Society for Technology in Education members)
- An Educator’s Resource for Distance Learning, Remote Learning and eLearning (Ditch That Textbook)
- Back to the Basics! Madeline Hunter (Free PDF)
- Bitmoji Classrooms enable teachers to set up virtual classrooms or learning hubs for posting classroom materials and resources for students — the virtual environment can be tailored to look and feel like a classroom. (Free in app store)
- BusinessU is a complete web-based LMS with standard’s based curriculum, aimed at preparing young entrepreneurs coming out of high school to enter the business world. (Free trial)
- Choice boards are graphic organizers that give students the option to choose different ways to learn about one topic. Here is a site about how to create one
- Edpuzzle enables you to choose a video, give it your magic touch and track your students’ comprehension. (Basic plans free for teachers and students) https://edpuzzle.com
- Everfi is a community engagement operating system that supports workplace training, financial education, higher education and community engagement. https://everfi.com (Demo available upon request)
- Google Suite
- Google Classroom is a free web service for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments. https://classroom.google.com/u/0/h
- Google Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard developed by Google for its G Suite family. The app is free to use, allowing instructors to set up boards for students with images and text that can then be manipulated by individuals or groups. https://edu.google.com/products/jamboard/?modal_active=none
- FlipGrid is a free and accessible video discussion experience for PreK to PhD educators, learners and families. https://info.flipgrid.com
- Goodwill Foundation provides free lessons, tutorials, videos and interactives for improving many skill bases. (Free to use) https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/
- Kahoot is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages. https://kahoot.com
- Nearpod boosts student participation with collaborative activities and formative assessments like Virtual Reality, Polls, Collaborate Boards, and game-based quizzes. “Nearpod lessons are awesome for organizing and delivering lessons [to] increase engagement” https://nearpod.com
- Pear Deck adds formative assessments and interactive questions to your presentations right from Google Slides for grade K–12. (Basic package available for free) https://www.peardeck.com/googleslides
- Quizlet provides free study sets, study modes and in-class games to create a more engaged classroom. (Free; K–12) https://quizlet.com/teachers
- Remind is a two-way communication app for both student and parent engagement, enabling updates, instruction and more. (Free; K-12) https://www.remind.com
- Schoology has more than 200 tools, student information systems and education platforms for grades K–12. (Free to Texas school districts) https://www.schoology.com
- Screencastify is a free screen recorder for Chrome. No download required. Record, edit and share videos. https://www.screencastify.com
- Soundtrap is a digital audio workstation accessible directly in your browser from a variety of devices, such as Windows, Mac, Chromebook, Linux, Android phones and tablets and iPads. You can create student groups and classes as well as assignments and remote lessons — all on a COPPA compliant platform. (Free 30-day trial) https://www.soundtrap.com
- TeacherTube is an online community for sharing instructional videos, providing professional development for teachers teaching teachers and concept and skills education for students. https://www.teachertube.com
Learners With Disabilities, Concurrent Enrollment and Other Specific Topics
- National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Coronavirus Guidance and Resources (NACEP): http://www.nacep.org/nacep-cornonavirus-guidance-and-resources
- Distance Learning and Special Populations (iCEV): https://blog.icevonline.com/distance-learning-and-special-populations
- Council for Exceptional Children Resources for Teaching Remotely: https://www.cec.sped.org/Tools-and-Resources/Resources-for-Teaching-Remotely
- Transition Resources During COVID-19 Outbreak (National Technical Assistance Center on Transition): https://www.transitionta.org/covid19
- Curated list of ed tech tools for meeting special education needs (Educating All Learners): https://www.educatingalllearners.org/tools-and-technology-resources
- Implementation guidance for alternative methods of instruction days for students with disabilities (Missouri DESE): https://dese.mo.gov/sites/default/files/se-compliance-AMI-final-1-28-20.pdf
- AHEAD COVID-19 resources (Association on Higher Education and Disability): https://www.ahead.org/professional-resources/coronavirus-resources
- Designing an Accessible Course Online toolkit: https://exploreaccess.org/accessible-online-course
- PresenceLearning Teletherapy Tools for COVID-19 School Closures: https://www.presencelearning.com/schools/covid-19-teletherapy
- Included through June 30 at no additional charge is access to proprietary online Telehealth Institute self-guided training modules; unlimited use of therapy platform, including a comprehensive suite of the most commonly used assessments; and tech support, M-F 6am – 6pm MST
Student Privacy and Data Security
- Educator’s Guide to Student Privacy (Future of Privacy Forum): https://ferpasherpa.org/audiences/educators/educators-guide-to-student-privacy
- Online Learning Best Practices for Schools and Educators (Future of Privacy Forum): https://ferpasherpa.org/onlinelearningbestpractices
- COVID-19 Privacy and Data Protection Resources (Future of Privacy Forum): https://sites.google.com/fpf.org/covid-19-privacy-resources
General Ed Tech Tools
- TechForLearners.org searchable database of education technology tools (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Software & Information Industry Association): https://www.techforlearners.org
- Learning Keeps Going (COVID-19 Education Coalition): https://www.learningkeepsgoing.org
- Education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closings (Google doc): http://www.amazingeducationalresources.com
- Helping teachers and students make the switch to remote learning (Microsoft): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2020/03/11/helping-teachers-students-switch-remote-learning/
- IBM Remote Learning Enablement: https://www.ibm.com/remotelearning
- Explore distance learning resources for schools affected by COVID-19 (Google for Education): https://edu.google.com/latest-news/covid-19-support-resources/?modal_active=none
- Adobe COVID-19 response: https://www.adobe.com/covid-19-response.html
- Adobe distance learning resources: https://edex.adobe.com/distance-learning
- Adobe is giving higher education and K-12 institutional customers globally — who currently make Creative Cloud apps available to students who login through on-campus labs — the ability to request temporary “at-home” access for their students and educators. This will be granted through May 31, 2020 at no additional cost: https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/kb/covid-19-education-labs.html
Federal Guidance
- Perkins V COVID-19 FAQ Round #2 (U.S. Department of Education)
- Perkins V State Plans and COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions (U.S. Department of Education)
- CTE and Adult Education Fiscal Waiver Invitation Letter and Optional Template for SEAs (U.S. Department of Education): https://www.acteonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/tydings-covid-waiver-letter-aefla.pdf and https://www.acteonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/template-covid-waiver-aefla.pdf
- Fact Sheet for Repurposing Federal Equipment and Supplies to Combat COVID-19 (U.S. Department of Education)
- Donation or Loan of Personal Protective Equipment and Other Medical Supplies and Equipment Purchased with Federal Funds (U.S. Department of Education)
- Schools and Child Care Programs: Plan, Prepare and Respond (CDC)
- COVID-19 Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel (U.S. Department of Education)
- Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Outbreak (U.S. Department of Education)
- Supplemental Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities (U.S. Department of Education)
- Protecting Student Privacy: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Coronavirus (U.S. Department of Education)
- Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Schools While Protecting the Civil Rights of Students (U.S. Department of Education)
- Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Webinar on Online Education and Website Accessibility (U.S. Department of Education)
- Information on Protecting Higher Education Students’ Civil Rights During COVID-19 (U.S. Department of Education)
- Federal Student Aid (FSA)-issued Coronavirus Information for Students, Borrowers, and Parents (U.S. Department of Education)
- Updated Guidance for Interruptions of Study related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) (U.S. Department of Education)
- Information for Accrediting Agencies Regarding Temporary Flexibilities Provided to Coronavirus-Impacted Institutions and Accrediting Agencies (U.S. Department of Education)
Please note that inclusion on this list does not signify ACTE endorsement of a product or service, although we are grateful to contributors for sharing their resources — thank you! — and please remember that any educational technology products, services or tools you use during this challenging time must still comply with FERPA and other laws related to student privacy. In addition to federal guidance on student privacy during COVID-19, the Future of Privacy Forum has developed an Educator’s Guide to Student Privacy, Online Learning Best Practices for Schools and Educators as well as COVID-19 privacy and data protection resources relevant to education, health care and other sectors.
June 22, 2020: ACTE published its guide, High-quality CTE: Planning for a COVID-19-impacted School Year.
June 3, 2020: Several expired offers were removed.
June 2, 2020: A new CTE Learn offer and ACTE’s new webinar series on planning for a COVID-19-impacted school year have been added.
May 27, 2020: Webinars about planning for the 2020-21 school year have been added to the Upcoming Events tab.
May 11, 2020: NCCER remote proctoring has been extended to July 31.
April 30, 2020: The ServSafe Food Handler offer has been extended through May 31.
April 21, 2020: Many thanks to the state Departments of Education and CTE in North Dakota, Missouri and Nebraska, as well as the National Science Foundation, for new distance learning resources!
April 20, 2020: Today’s Class, NOCTI, CareerSafe, Nepris, AgEdNet.com and Home Builders Institute have all extended their initial offers. Please see the relevant tabs for more details.
April 15, 2020: OCTAE has published its second FAQ on Perkins and COVID-19, and guidance is now available on donating PPE and other equipment purchased with federal funds. Many thanks to the CTE Coalition and ASE Education Foundation for sharing additional distance learning resources!
April 7, 2020: Many thanks to Harbor Freight Tools for Schools for sharing additional distance learning resources!
April 1, 2020: Many thanks to our colleagues at the Career & Technical Association of Texas and the National Partnership to Recruit, Prepare, and Support FCS Educators for sharing new distance learning resources!
March 31, 2020: OCTAE has published its first FAQ in response to school closures, addressing state and local Perkins planning.
March 27, 2020: Many thanks to our colleagues at the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and Advance CTE for alerting us to new distance learning resources!