Standing Committees and Task Forces

The standing committees and task forces of ACTE® are the workforce of the Association and play an important role in implementing the strategic plan. Committees are made up of ACTE members who are appointed by their Vice Presidents to represent their Region or Division; task forces are made up of volunteers appointed based on expertise. Most committee vacancies are filled April-June. More information about committees and task forces can be found in the ACTE Committee/Task Force Handbook. Please contact Dana Lampe in ACTE’s Leadership Department if you have any questions.

Learn from a volunteer about why you should get involved on a committee! On each committee/task force page you will find this year’s charter and objectives, a current member roster and detailed position description for volunteers. Are you interested in serving on an ACTE committee, learn more about our active committees below!

Audit Review Committee
Volunteer Commitment: 3-5 hours per year, 3 years (July 1–June 30)
Impact of Work: Committee members are primarily responsible for ensuring the Association’s financial statements and disclosures are validated and to evaluate the Association’s accounting procedures and to oversee ACTE’s financial reporting, internal control and audit processes.
Expertise Required: Financial experience is required.

Awards Committee
Volunteer Commitment: 50+ hours per year, 2 years (July 1–June 30)
Impact of Work: Committee members review and score applications for the ACTE Excellence Awards and collectively determine national award winners. The committee is responsible for maintaining national application requirements, criteria, and rubrics, and providing input on ways to further improve processes and recognition for award winners.
Expertise Required: Previous experience on an awards committee is strongly recommended

Bylaws Committee
Volunteer Commitment: 5+ hours per year, 2 years (July 1-June 30)
Impact of Work: Committee members are responsible for ensuring the organizational documents of the Association conform to law and are reflective of the desires and needs of members and ensuring appropriate conformity of organizational and operational documents of the Association.
Expertise Required: It is recommended that members of this committee have knowledge of ACTE’s organizational structure.

Nominating Committee
Volunteer Commitment: 7+ hours per year, 2 years (July 1-June 30)
Impact of Work: Committee members are responsible for the implementation of the nomination and election process for the governance year. The committee is to abide by the bylaws and approved Policy and Procedures Manual in fulfilling its objectives. The committee is to present at least two candidates for president-elect and ensure all Region and Division vice president candidates meet the required criteria. The entire slate is to be presented to the Assembly of Delegates at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION.
Expertise Required: It is recommended that members of this committee have knowledge of ACTE’s organizational structure.

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