Fellowship Blog

STEM Saves Lives: The Rise of Biotechnology

From the early controversial cloning of animals to the recent developments that allow the brain to fully control robotic limbs, biotechnological advances

Meeting My Mentor

I am honored to have Dawn Lindsley as my Fellowship Mentor this year. Despite having a full-time job, a family, and a doctorate in the works, Dawn made

Excited for the Adventure Ahead

I have been blessed with a wonderful mentor, Kim Mitchell, a FACS teacher in Alabama. I connected with Kim on January 31st, a Tuesday afternoon. I had

The Heart of the Matter

What makes a leader? Is it an acquired set of skills? Or, perhaps, a long list of accolades? Some may believe it comes from the hours put in to a

Multiple Paths Lead to CTE

“How did your career path lead to career-technical education?” That’s one of the most interesting questions I discussed with my new ACTE Fellowship

My New Old Mentor

My conversations with Dr. Wider began at the EBS during the summer of 2016. I met her when I signed up for ACTE. She was so enthusiastic about the

Meeting with my Fellowship Mentor

My mentor for the 2017 ACTE Fellows program is Shelly Rust, Advanced Culinary Arts and Baking Pastry Instructor at the Kokomo Area Career Center in

Three Keys to Success in CTE

It has been a pleasure to work with my mentor, Mr. Patrick Biggerstaff, who serves as the Director of Area 31 Career Center in Indianapolis.  Patrick

A Timely Mentor

Have you ever had a conversation with somebody that seemed curiously timely? I just had one of these conversations when I spoke with my mentor, Rachael

I Already Know Everything. I Need a Mentor, Too?

My name is Tommy Hamilton and I am the 2017 ACTE Fellow for the Business Education Division. When they told me I was going to have a mentor, I thought,

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