Fellowship Blog

CTE Across the Years

ACTE is celebrating 100 years of CTE with the anniversary of the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act in 1917. This legislation authorized federal funds for

District-Wide Pride in CTE

One of the most eye-opening and rewarding experiences I’ve had so far as an assistant principal in the Connecticut Technical High School System (CTHSS)

My Drive for CTE

As I reflect on my teaching career as a Marketing Education and DECA Advisor for the past six years at North High School in Akron, Ohio, I consider my

College and Career Readiness . . . For ALL

“Career and Technical Education (CTE) is for students who aren’t college-bound.”

“CTE isn’t really education, it’s job

How ESSA Can Shape a General Education Classroom

As the successor to No Child Left Behind begins its march through public education, it will create many ways for “real-world” skills to be integrated

College or Career Bound – Building a Professional Portfolio

The best way educators in CTE fields can demonstrate career connections to students in/outside the classroom is to get students to industry and industry

Navigating the Process of Incorporating Personal Learning Plans

The 2014 Minnesota Legislature adopted language requiring Minnesota school districts to assist all students no later than grade nine to develop a Personal

My Career Pursuit

I am passionate about giving students an opportunity to learn about a career before they pursue it. Students need opportunities to see, feel, hear and

Dear Mr. Benjamin – Non-Traditional Students in CTE and Stem

My name is Courtney Benjamin and I teach Automotive Technology to high school seniors at Broome-Tioga BOCES in Binghamton, NY.  Some people reading

College and Career Readiness

There are many aspects of my job that I truly enjoy. One is that I get to help adult students that are trying hard to better their positions in life. I

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