Techniques Editorial Calendar
ACTE and the Techniques team are excited to launch the 2024-25 editorial calendar with eight comprehensive themes. Read the magazine. Then reach out to Lia Milgram, senior managing editor, with story ideas or to inquire about submission deadlines.
Are you looking for the 2023-24 editorial calendar? Find it here.
September 2024: VISION on the River Walk
Imagine the temperatures are mild, and a gentle breeze floats off of the San Antonio River. Nearby, at the convention center just steps from the River Walk, the CTE community will gather in San Antonio, Texas, for ACTE’s CareerTech VISION 2024. This issue of Techniques will (1) offer readers a preview of the VISION experience, (2) showcase a vision from the past, and (3) highlight featured content on specific CTE disciplines, as well as curriculum planning, postsecondary CTE, and more.
Please submit story ideas by May 24.
October 2024: The Instructional Issue
Prepared and effective program staff are crucial to the success of high-quality career and technical education. Teacher shortages are a growing challenge, but the answer can be made clear. We must prioritize adequate training and authentic, ongoing support for educators at all levels. This issue of Techniques will (1) address educator recruitment and retention, (2) offer instructional best practices and case studies; and (3) provide downloadable resources that educators can use.
Please submit story ideas by June 21.
November/ December 2024: AI in CTE
The future is now. As business, education, and governmental leaders seek to understand the short- and long-term impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on education, this issue of Techniques will ask three questions: (1) What are the risks and benefits? (2) How is AI affecting the world of work? (3) What new skills do learners need most? Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform high-quality CTE, in the creation of new pathways and as an accessibility tool.
Please submit story ideas by July 19.
January 2025: Celebrating a Century in Print
January 2025 marks a major milestone for Techniques: Vol. 100, No. 1. For nearly a century, educators have put ink on paper to share their research and lessons learned with others. This issue will (1) showcase treasured memories and artifacts from 100 volumes of our magazine and its predecessor the American Vocational Journal, (2) consider how the past informs the present, and (3) look forward to celebrating ACTE’s 100th anniversary in 2026.
Please submit story ideas by Sept. 18.
February 2025: On Community
Community means service and networking, and it means knowing who you can ask for help. This issue of Techniques will approach the idea of community in a few different settings: (1) within the school environment, developing relationships with students and colleagues, (2) within professional networks like ACTE, and (3) with industry, to increase learning opportunities for all. Furthermore, a central focus on Registered Apprenticeships will emphasize the ways in which community development can support economic success.
Please submit story ideas by Oct. 16.
March 2025: Supporting Students with Disabilities
The education community must break down barriers for the success of all learners. When students with disabilities (SWD) receive proper accommodations and support, they can thrive in CTE. And the economy may benefit as well, with regard to addressing workforce shortages. This issue of Techniques will (1) discuss the challenges disabled students face in education, (2) demonstrate how to design high-quality work-based learning experiences for SWD, and (3) explore how data can help address equity gaps.
Please submit story ideas by Nov. 15.
April 2025: On Burnout
We need more support. In the wake of an unrelenting pandemic, increasing gun violence, and decreasing funding, educators are experiencing burnout and students are struggling to engage. But there is strength in even admitting it. This issue of Techniques will (1) define burnout and how to recognize the signs, (2) share essays and personal narratives from educators, students, and support staff, and (3) provide actionable resources for mitigating and preventing burnout in your schools.
Please submit story ideas by Dec. 20.
May 2025: The Rate of Change
The world is moving faster all the time. It is! The rate of technological change has increased exponentially in recent decades. There are more devices to secure, more apps to download, more connectivity to manage, and many more and varied resources available. This issue of Techniques will (1) address the topic of change, (2) offer support and resources for networking online, and (3) discuss the benefits and challenges of new technology in the classroom.
Please submit story ideas by Jan. 17.
With questions, story ideas, or to inquire about submissions, contact Lia Milgram, senior managing editor. Prospective advertisers can contact Lindsay Skender for details. To reach ACTE, call 800-826-9972.