VISION 2023 inspired and energized

VISION 2023 inspired and energized

February 05, 2024 | by

In Careers Connect

VISION 2023 took place in Phoenix, Arizona, Nov. 29–Dec. 2. And oh, what fun we had! ACTE’s premier annual conference attracted thousands of secondary and postsecondary educators, business leaders and industry professionals from across the country. Attendees left our opening and closing general sessions, from Morris Morrison and Jon Petz, feeling energized and inspired to take on high-quality career and technical education (CTE).

“This is my first time attending ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, and I have been so impressed,” commented Lisa Roether, an attendee from Louisiana. “The conference has far exceeded my expectations. I’m excited to return to school to implement many ideas.”

Energized! Inspired! These are two of many great words that attendees, board members and staff have used to describe the VISION experience. With hundreds of concurrent sessions and networking opportunities, the Awards Gala, Wednesday workshops and tours, the CareerTech Expo, and more, VISION offers something for everyone. We think it’s the best week of the year to work in CTE.

“As a new director of career and technical education, I have been welcomed into the community with open arms,” said Lindsey McCormick, an attendee from Maryland. “The opportunity to inspire students and staff to pursue their strengths and interests is amazing.”

Moments before delivering the closing keynote address at VISION 2023, Jon Petz spoke to social media followers about the importance of CTE and organizations like ACTE. “Career and technical education schools — like the one in my hometown, Delaware Area Career Center — help students advance their knowledge and grow their professional opportunities,” he said. “And it’s amazing that we’ve got a professional association like ACTE to help educators help students learn and grow.”

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Make plans now to attend VISION 2024, Dec. 4–7, in San Antonio, Texas!

Have you ever thought about presenting at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION? In 2024, we are seeking session proposals that address the full range of issues facing CTE today, tomorrow and beyond. Such as:

  • Sessions tailored for educators working in specific disciplines of CTE (e.g., business and marketing; family and consumer sciences; health science; engineering and technology; the skilled trades; arts, media and entertainment)
  • Sessions on instructional best practices and curriculum planning and mapping
  • Sessions for postsecondary educators
  • Sessions for administrators on topics like program marketing, grant management and fundraising
  • Sessions on critical issues like recruitment, retention, professional and leadership development, and work-based learning

Read more in Techniques: Excellence in CTE.

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