Pivotal People: How CTE Educators Change Lives

Speaking from a student’s viewpoint, CTE teachers rock. I’ve never met a group of educators with a greater passion for teaching, a CodyHays214larger source of knowledge, and a bigger pool of connections. With seven out of eight of my CTE teachers having come from industry (or still in it), they are certainly the most qualified people I have met that are able to prepare students for employment. That’s why I want to join them.

As a student at Northern Arizona University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Career and Technical Education, I’m immensely passionate about CTE. I love learning about CTE and being part of great CTSOs. When people ask me why I choose to study CTE, my answer is very straightforward: I am inspired by these educators I just mentioned.

CTE educators are like AmeriCorps volunteers. They give up their high paying jobs (sometimes six figures) to make practically nothing, but make life-changing impacts. You know the United States’ salaries for educators… What on earth would inspire them? If you ask them, they are certainly honest with you: “Trust me, honey, I am not in this job for the pay.” So why?

My professors all come from unique walks of life. My high school marketing teacher, Mrs. Bradford, for example, worked in the print and advertising industry from the age of 12 through her late twenties, was a stay at home mom for ten years, and then was approached by the school after our old teacher quit 3 weeks into the school year. Even though she was thrown into it, she turned out to be one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. She was so caring, so willing to answer questions, and always willing to work hours into the night to help us catch up on our FLBA project deadlines.

My favorite teacher in college, Ms. Jo, worked in hospitality since she was a teenager and eventually worked her way up to become the general manager of a full-service inn. This inn just so happened to be at Northern Arizona University and eventually turned into the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management (currently ranked #14 for top hospitality schools in the world). Her ability to connect with students and empower us to do our best really reflects her genuine character. She’s one of the most engaging teachers I’ve ever had and the sincerest person I’ve ever met.

Each educator has a different story and is able to bring a unique experience and passion to their teaching. As a future educator, I have had wonderful examples set for me by my CTE teachers. I challenge you all to be as enthusiastic a teacher as my teachers have been. Go the extra mile for your students! Encourage them! Inspire them! You have the possibility to influence their life, decisions, and future careers. Make it happen.

By Cody Hays, an Accelerated Bachelor/Masters in Career and Technical Education student at Northern Arizona University