
Welcome to the North Dakota Association for Career and Technical Education website. NDACTE is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and improving career and technical education in North Dakota. This site’s purpose is to provide information about the North Dakota Association for Career and Technical Education.

NDACTE’s mission:

promote and improve career and technical education

provide service, leadership opportunities and recognition to its members

support career and technical education as an integral part of the educational system.

Professional Development

WNorth Dakota CTE Learn offers over 160 self-paced online courses for CTE professionals. Whether you are looking for engaging professional development or a more convenient way to obtain continuing education credits and advance your career, our online courses are designed for you. North Dakota CTE Learn offers an array of topics that focus on effective and proven teaching and leading strategies. Our credit courses have been designed to support CTE institutions with a comprehensive, virtual professional development program.

Visit CTE Learn

ND ACTE Executive Committee 2022-2023

Name Position Service Area E-mail
Alison Orgaard Past -President Career Development alison.orgaard@k12.nd.us
William Fritz President Agriculture William.Fritz@k12.nd.us
Tana Erbes President – Elect Counseling and Career Development tana.erbes@ndscs.edu
Gabes Kieffer Vice President Agriculture gabes.kieffer@may-portcg.com
Andrea Benson Division Rep Health Sciences ABENSON@west-fargo.k12.nd.us
Karlee Feist Benth Division Rep FACS karlee.feist@k12.nd.us
Joan Birdsell Division Rep Business Education Joan.Birdsell@k12.nd.us
Jill Quinlivan Division Rep Technology and Engineering Jill.Quinlivan@msd1.org
Nikki Fideldy-Doll ND CTE Agriculture nfideldy-doll@nd.gov
Desiree Severance Division Rep Agriculture desi.severance@k12.nd.us
Laurie Salander Division Rep Marketing lsalander210@mygfschools.org
Barbara Quintus Division Rep Special Populations barbara.quintus@msd1.org
Pam Stroklund Division Rep Administration pam.stroklund@minot.k12.nd.us
Kellie Meyer Division Rep Career Development kellie.meyer@minot.k12.nd.us
Bryan Stastny Division Rep Trade, Industry & Technical Bryan.stastny@k12.nd.us
Wayde Sick ND CTE Department of CTE wasick@nd.gov
Eric Ripley ACTE Administration eripley270@mygfschools.org
Danielle Luebke National Fellow NDACTE Awards Chair Danielle.Luebke@k12.nd.us
Carla Hixson Executive Director NDACTE NDACTE@outlook.com
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