Make Plans to Attend ACTE’s CareerTech VISION!

Make Plans to Attend ACTE’s CareerTech VISION!

October 20, 2020 | by

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CareerTech Vision is the place to be for professional development, learning about and purchasing the newest software, equipment, supplies, and networking. This conference is the largest meeting of Career and Technical Education, which focuses on secondary and postsecondary CTE. Input from all of the different Divisions within ACTE is taken into account when planning VISION, ensuring there is something for everyone. There are always a plethora of sessions to attend. Like most Educators, I have attended many conferences, but I have never seen anything quite like Vision. 

Professional development opportunities like Vision require an investment in employees, ultimately affecting the students, faculty, staff, and parents. Professional learning is needed to increase competence. It is a must to go beyond competence to take skills to the next level. Anthony J. D’Angelo said, “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Conferences like CareerTech VISION allow for growth. Focusing on one’s practice is essential. Everyone needs to develop, and Educators especially have to dedicate time to develop. Those that are considered the best of the best never stop sharpening their skills. 

You do not want to miss this event since there is so much to do, see, and learn. Attending gives you exposure, not just to those in your career area. Vision allows educators to meet other education professionals from all across the world. 

Investing in the opportunity to attend VISION is well worth the time and expense. So, what is your plan for your professional development? Questions to start with include: How do I want to grow? What are my goals, both professional and personal? What do I need to learn? Once you know the answers to these questions, you can make a plan to make the most of your time at Vision 2020. How will attending CareerTech VISION help you go to the next level?



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