Alaska ACTE Clearinghouse Update

March 10, 2022 | by

In Alaska News

Alaska ACTE is excited to announce the development of the AK ACTE Clearinghouse. This platform is a robust digital learning resource for leadership agencies, schools and districts. The Clearinghouse provides Alaska education agencies and educators the means to communicate, collaborate and share resources for students and programs.

Resources will include instructional, leadership, general safety and professional development. The content will be categorized for easy resource distribution. Registered users will be able to create a lesson plan or course outline, and look through the materials for inspiration. The ACTE Clearinghouse focuses on spreading the message of CTE. To learn more, check out our FAQs.

We need your help to pack the clearinghouse with valuable content. By sharing content, we will enhance CTE delivery and encourage student engagement across the state. This collaborative effort will result in a robust database of CTE resources.

How To Submit Content

Submitting content is quick and easy. Just follow these instructions found here. If you have any questions, beyond what are covered in the FAQs, please feel free to submit your questions on this Alaska ACTE Clearinghouse FAQ Submission Form.

Get Involved

Looking for more ways to get involved? We are currently recruiting beta testers to help us improve the functionality of the Clearinghouse. Sign up through the beta testing form. We are also looking for partners who will help manage Clearinghouse resources, become a partner today.

Thank you!
Alaska ACTE Clearinghouse Committee
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