Postsecondary Education Resources

Get more important advocacy resources with our Advocacy Toolkit!

Working With Business and Industry

ACTE has reached out to institutions and their business partners in highlighting mutually beneficial partnerships. You can read all about it in our series of case studies, Taking Business to School.

UPS Case Study | Siemens Case Study | Milacron Case Study | Hypertherm Case Study | AAR Case Study | PG&E Case Study | Toyota T-TEN Case Study

We are also partners with the Industry Workforce Needs Council, a consortium of CTE-oriented organizations and companies that seeks to close the skills gap by building a better workforce development system with the help of business and industry entities.

Professional Resources

Sometimes, every educator needs a helping hand in developing lessons and curriculum, measuring ROI or even just finding the right event. ACTE is here to help!


Programs for Postsecondary Institutions



Our award-winning flagship magazine regularly includes articles and reports on postsecondary programs and educators. The February 2011 issue was specially devoted to adult education, as have some recent articles:

  • May 2013, “Minding the Gap: Helping GED Students Transition to Career and Technical Education” and “Can Advisers for Student Groups Help Break Barriers?”
  • The Nov./Dec. 2012 includes several articles that address postsecondary education.
  • Oct. 2012, “Today’s Adult Students


Grants for Postsecondary Institutions

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