Jan Jardine

ACTE WBL Division Vice President

Provo CAPS Director & District WBL Coordinator Provo, Utah


Meet Jan Jardine

Members of the Work-Based Learning Division are professionals working to provide students with authentic learning experiences in business and industry. These professionals are educators, counselors, and school-to-work/work-based learning coordinators. Members of this division involve students in experiences on all levels of the work-based learning continuum.

This division provides guidance and resources in offering quality work-based learning experiences for students, as outlined under the work-based learning element within the ACTE High Quality Framework. This division can also assist those in states that choose to report on work-based learning for the new Perkins program quality indicator or in other state accountability systems to strengthen their student outcomes.

Special Thanks to WBL Division Annual Sponsor


Member-Only Resources

Take advantage of the resources and recorded video sessions offered exclusively to members. Be sure to log in for access.

Seamless Work Based Learning Professional of the Year Award

The Seamless Work Based Learning Professional of the Year Award recognizes the WBL professionals that have demonstrated overall contribution to student success through community engagement, leadership roles, student organizations, WBL classroom innovations, and WBL advocacy. All candidates must serve as a Work Based Learning Professional at the time of initial nomination. Candidates must be members of the national ACTE – WBL Section by December 19 to be considered.

Submit Application

2023 Winner
Chadwick Vail
2022 Winner
Tony Trapp
2021 Winner
Melissa (Missy) Spielman
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