Meet Scott Stone

Scott Stone

ACTE President

Region: III
Division: Agricultural Education

Occupation: Agriculture instructor

Employment History
Agriculture instructor, Centralia R-VI School District: 1997–present

M.S., agriculture education, University of Missouri – Columbia; B.S., agriculture education, University of Missouri – Columbia

National ACTE Involvement
Board of directors member: 2018–present; executive committee member: 2020–present; finance committee chair: 2020–present; ACTE’s CareerTech VISION presenter: 2015; VISION attendee: 2008–2011, 2013–19; National Policy Seminar attendee: 2015, 2017–19; Educators in Action volunteer: 2019–present; CTE Support Fund supporter: 2018–present

Regional ACTE Involvement
Region IV Outstanding Mentor Award winner: 2010

Divisional ACTE Involvement
Policy committee chair: 2018–present; policy committee member: 2016–present

State ACTE Involvement
Missouri ACTE (MOACTE) board of directors member: 2009–2011; MOACTE conference attendee; MOACTE committee member

Other CTE Involvement
National Association of Agricultural Educations (NAAE) past president: 2018–19; NAAE president 2016–17; NAAE president-elect: 2015–16; NAAE Region IV vice president: 2012–15; NAAE Region IV secretary: 2011–12; NAAE professional development committee chair: 2010; NAAE professional development committee member: 2008–2016; NAAE Region IV conference presenter: 2012, 2014; ; conference attendee: 2008–2017; Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers’ Association (MVATA) past president: 2011–12; MVATA president: 2010–11; MVATA president-elect: 2009–2010; MVATA secretary: 2008–09

Platform Statement
I am sure each of you could recite numerous campaign promises and slogans that never came true. I listen to hundreds of political candidates who make promises that, in reality, they have no way of making happen. This is very unfortunate as it only leads to heartbreak within constituents and a huge loss of credibility in our leaders. That is why, as a leader, I never make promises I do not feel I can keep. My mission as the ACTE president-elect is simple; I want to work on behalf of career and technical educators across the country. I will work to communicate the needs of teachers to the ACTE board. I will fight for career and technical education and educators every day. I first listen to you, the members, develop a plan, and then will vigorously work to move ACTE in a positive direction while carrying out its mission and goals. If our organization is better, at the end of my service, than when I started, I will have achieved my goal.

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