Quality Association Standards Award
The mission of the Association for Career and Technical Education is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce.
The purpose of the Quality Association Standards (QAS) is to provide benchmarks for state associations to determine levels of performance and satisfactory service to their members and prospective members. QAS should be useful to states in evaluating their basic organization and whether their leadership is providing minimum, average or superior programs for the membership. It’s not intended to be a competition between states and/or to establish a “class system” of state associations, nor is it a system for rating the performance of a state’s executive director or volunteer leaders.
The hope of the QAS is to prompt states to challenge themselves to improve and maintain the very best possible organization and leadership for their members within the association’s means. ACTE is committed to assisting state leadership in reaching Association goals.
The QAS applications are due Oct. 15. Applications are only accepted via the Portal; emailed/mailed applications will not be accepted.
An annual report is to be submitted by the affiliated states. The report form is available as part of the QAS application or, for those not submitting a QAS application, as a separate report. The annual report is due October 15 . The annual report is only accepted via the Portal.
Congratulations to our past Quality Association Standards Winners! Thank you for the time and effort you committed to compiling your QAS application, and congratulations!

Region I
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
Region III
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas (CTAT)
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
Region III
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas (CTAT)
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Maine
- Michigan
- Ohio
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
Region III
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas (CTAT)
- Texas (TIVA)
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Maine
- Michigan
- Ohio
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
Region III
- Iowa
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas (CTAT)
- Texas (TIVA)
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Maine
- Ohio
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
Region III
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas (CTAT)
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Maine
- Ohio
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- Virginia
Region III
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas (CTAT)
- Texas (TIVA)
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Ohio
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
Region III
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas
Region V
- Arizona
- California
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Region I
- Main
- Ohio
- West Virginia
Region II
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
Region III
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Missouri
Region IV
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Texas
Region V
- Arizona
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington