Narrowing the Skills Gap to Ensure the Future of Manufacturing: Boeing and CTE

Narrowing the Skills Gap to Ensure the Future of Manufacturing: Boeing and CTE

Manufacturing has long been the backbone of the United States economy, and as such, the implications of a widening skills gap are economically significant. Every job in manufacturing creates another 2.5 new jobs in local goods and services; and for every dollar invested in manufacturing another $1.37 in additional value is created in other sectors (Giffi, McNelly, Dollar,Carrick, Drew, & Gangula, 2015). But due to retirements and economic expansion, researchers at Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute estimate a need for 3.5 million manufacturing jobs in the next decade, at least two million of which will go unfilled (Giffiet al., 2015) because of an insufficient supply of skilled workers.

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