Teach CTE: ACTE’s Teacher Recruitment and Retention Initiative

ACTE’s Teach CTE initiative focuses on addressing the teacher recruitment and retention challenges that our field faces including support for CTE teacher educators and the work they perform to prepare tomorrow’s CTE teaching workforce.



Teach CTE Repository

This repository continuously highlights promising programs and practices around the CTE educator pipeline. The entries are collected from reports, articles and other resources that provide background about this critical issue and reveal promising programs and practices. We hope to share more about proven strategies as that knowledge becomes available.

Disclaimer: No materials presented in the repository should be presumed to reflect the positions or policies of ACTE. ACTE does not guarantee the accuracy or applicability of the information represented in this repository. In addition, ACTE does not endorse any program, practice or organization present in this repository. The information present is strictly for informational and educational purposes.

Contact ACTE to offer additional submission suggestions for the repository.

CTE Teacher Recruitment and Retention Toolkit

The resources in this toolkit are designed to help CTE practitioners raise awareness of the CTE educator shortage with their students and other CTE stakeholders, and provide tools to help build interest in CTE education as a profession.

This toolkit contains several print- and web-ready pieces designed to help you spread the word about the benefits of choosing to be a CTE educator to your students and potential career changers, as well as guides for classroom activities and events.



Teach CTE Summit 2023

In June 2003, ACTE hosted its second Teach CTE Summit, a national convening of nearly 200 attendees focused on exploring the issues of CTE teacher recruitment and retention in secondary and postsecondary education. The event focused on aspects of policy, research and promising practices pertaining to CTE teacher recruitment and retention challenges, including a focus on diversifying the teaching workforce.

A series of general and breakout sessions during the summit explored these issues. Two “Table “Talk” sessions provided an opportunity for attendees to review and reflect on the content. The publication includes a high-level synopsis of what was shared and learned during the event.

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Teach CTE Summit 2020

In February 2020, ACTE convened a National Teacher Recruitment and Retention Summit to explore actions to address the CTE teacher pipeline shortage. The event featured 100 leaders from across multiple sectors to discuss CTE teacher recruitment, preparation and retention issues. The national convening focused on actions to address the challenge of the CTE teacher pipeline and ways to replicate those practices via a national strategy. Central to this conversation was a focus on the use of common data and collaboration in sharing promising practices. An additional Summit focus on teacher preparation evolved as many of the attendees hailed from CTE teacher education programs at four-year universities.

This document provides a synopsis of the Summit and a set of recommendations derived from the event. While we did not capture all that took place during the conference, we have highlighted panel presentations and summaries of some of the important conversations. Three issue “buckets” were used during the event. These same three categories are used as organizational tools within this publication:

  • Acquisition and use of data
  • Preparation of educators
  • Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Read the document



Teach CTE graphics
Show your support for the CTE teachers and the profession by using these graphic tools in your social media, website, publications and other communications.

Submit a blog entry for the Educators in Action “Teach CTE” Blog Series

Encourage students and others to consider a CTE teaching career by sharing your positive experiences and benefits of the CTE teacher profession. Learn more

For more information about ACTE’s TEACH CTE Initiative, please contact Alisha Hyslop at ahyslop@acteonline.org.

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