Be Pro, Be Proud

Congressmen all have issues that are close to them or the people they represent.  Congressman Westerman, representing Arkansas’s 4th district, is no different.  Education and opportunity are some issues that he focuses on.  After a recent visit with Congressman Westerman sharing CTE information and concerns, it was apparent that he shares the vision of ACTE, preparing today’s students for the skilled workforce needs.

Arkansas is making strides in preparing today’s youth, parents, and counselors for those needs. The Be Pro, Be Proud tour, provided by the Associated Industries of Arkansas, is showing students different paths to success.  Oftentimes parents, teachers, and counselors push traditional four-year post-secondary degrees.   The Be Pro, Be Proud initiative is encouraging students to ditch the stereotype by choosing training and careers that fill vacant skilled workforce jobs.

Visiting the Be Pro, Be Proud website at provides students, parents, and counselors a list of training locations around the state and a link to the specific training programs each school provides.  The website also provides a direct contact to the industries and job opportunities that currently exist.

Westerman and other congressmen are aware that 23% of Arkansas skilled workforce are nearing retirement age, and our state’s workforce is not prepared to fill the positions that the retiring workforce will create.  Be Pro, Be Proud shows that nearly 82% of manufacturers report a shortage in skilled workers.

Arkansas is taking a team approach in unleashing Arkansas’ potential by relying on educators, mentors, counselors, and parents to be Be Pro, Be Proud ambassadors.  All are needed to work together to bring pride to the skilled workforce professions.  The mobile unit tours around the state to provide a hands on experience to live audiences.  The interactive trailer is full of information, skills challenges and more.

Preparing our workforce and changing stereotypes is no small task.  Be Pro, Be Proud would not be possible without the partnership of industry members.  Be Pro, Be Proud also could be headed to a state near you.

By Michelle Camp
2017 ACTE Region IV Fellow
PCSSD – Maumelle High School
Maumelle, Arkansas