Nominating Committee

Are you interested in serving on the ACTE Nominating Committee? You can read more about the responsibilities of serving on this committee in the Nominating Committee Member Position Description. Contact the staff liaison for more information!

Date appointed: July 2024

CHAIR: Scott Stone
BOARD LIAISON: Chaney Mosley
STAFF LIAISON: Marlen Zarcone
MEMBERS: One representative from each Region and Division


To nominate the best qualified member for each elective position of leadership of the Association.


This committee is appointed under procedures adopted pursuant with Article VIII.D of the bylaws.


3.1       The committee is composed of one representative from each ACTE Division and Region, the chair is the most recent past president no longer serving on the board of directors, the board liaison is the current past president who serves as an informed communications link to the board of directors (non-voting) and a staff liaison.

3.2       The term of office is two years and may serve up to two terms. The term shall commence on July 1.

3.3       The Region and Division vice presidents recommend their committee representatives and are approved by the board of directors.

3.4       The chair’s scores and/or vote are counted in case of a tie.

3.5       There are no special eligibility requirements to serve on this committee. It is recommended that members are familiar with ACTE’s organizational structure.

3.6        No member of the committee shall be a candidate for election.


4.1       The committee is responsible for the implementation of the nomination and election process for the governance year. The committee is to abide by the bylaws and approved board policy manual in fulfilling its objectives.

4.2       The committee is to present at least two candidates for president-elect and ensure all Region and Division vice president candidates meet the required criteria. The entire slate is to be presented to the Assembly of Delegates at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION.


5.1       The committee will meet at least annually and more often as needed. A majority of the committee members present shall constitute a quorum. The staff liaison will keep a copy of the committee meeting minutes and forward a copy to the chair and board liaison. The committee chair may invite any director, officer, staff member, expert, or other advisor who isn’t a member of the committee to attend, but these individuals have no voting power.

5.2       The committee will review its charter at least biannually and recommend any proposed changes to the board for review.


Position Name
Chair Scott Stone
Region I Scott Rogers
Region II Kelli Norman
Region III Jenny Berry
Region IV Blaise King
Region V Jeffrey Ober
Administration Alan Kirby
Agricultural Education Jeff Maierhofer
Business Education Shauna Williams
Counseling and Career Development Lisa Hollingsworth
Engineering and Technology Education Richelle Downey
Family and Consumer Sciences Division Kristin Vest
Health Science Education Linda Romano
New and Related Services Brian Cashman
Postsecondary, Adult and Career Education Janet Burns
Trade and Industrial Education Seth Ward
Work-Based Learning Chadwick Vail
Board Liaison Scott Stone
Staff Liaison Marlen Zarcone
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