Awards Committee
Are you interested in serving on the ACTE Awards Committee? You can read more about the responsibilities of serving on this committee in the Awards Committee Member Position Description. Contact the staff liaison for more information!
Date Appointed: July 2024
CHAIR: Roberta Howard
BOARD LIAISON: Shawn Freie and Lavyne Rada
STAFF LIAISON: Marlen Zarcone
MEMBERS: One representative from each Region
To ensure the recognition of outstanding achievements by individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the career and technical education field, to programs that exemplify the highest standards and to organizations that have conducted activities to promote and expand career and technical education.
This is a committee appointed under procedures adopted pursuant with Article VIII.A of the bylaws.
3.1 The committee is composed of one representative from each ACTE Region, one chair, at least one board liaison (appointed annually and non-voting) and a staff liaison.
3.2 The term of office is the Association’s operating year. Members serve for a two-year period and can serve up to two terms. National Awards Committee members may serve an optional one year as an Awards Committee Member-Elect and go on to serve a two-year term as an Awards Committee Member. The term shall commence on July 1.
3.3 The Region vice presidents recommends committee representatives and are approved by the board of directors.
3.4 The chair of the committee shall be identified as representing the entire ACTE membership and not any particular division or region. The chair shall be selected from one of those who are serving or have served on the committee. A chair may be re-appointed to a second term if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the committee. The chair’s scores and/or vote is counted in case of a tie. The chair is approved by the board of directors.
3.5 A vice chair shall be appointed by the members. In the event a chair cannot attend a committee meeting, the vice chair will preside in their absence. In the event a chair cannot complete their term, the vice chair will be appointed and must be approved by ACTE board of directors to serve for the balance of the term. Recommendations for the vice chair shall be made by the current chair of the committee. The vice chair must be an eligible member of the committee.
3.6 It is recommended that members of this committee have experience working with Awards at the state and or region level.
3.7 Members of the awards committee are not eligible, during their service to this committee, to receive an award.
4.1 Review and determine winners for the ACTE Excellence Awards.
4.2 Review and determine winners for the ACTE Impact Awards.
4.3 Work with Region Award Committees to ensure a positive Region awards process.
4.4 Further identify opportunities to improve, streamline and standardize awards procedures across state, Region and national levels.
5.1 The committee will meet at least annually and more often as needed. A majority of the committee members present shall constitute a quorum. The staff liaison will keep a copy of the committee meeting minutes and forward a copy to the chair and board liaison. The committee chair may invite any director, officer, staff member, expert, or other advisor who isn’t a member of the committee to attend, but these individuals have no voting power.
5.2 The committee will review its charter at least annually and recommend any proposed changes to the board for review.
Position | Name |
Chair | Roberta Howard |
Region I | Ann Rush |
Region II | Kimberly Wilson |
Region III | Shylee Endicott |
Region IV | Teresa Pinkston |
Region V | Tracy Kern |
Board Liaison | LaDonna Selvidge |
Staff Liaison | Marlen Zarcone |