Meet William Castillo (PLSP-ECMC Foundation fellow)

Meet William Castillo (PLSP-ECMC Foundation fellow)

October 27, 2020 | by

In Spotlight

Meet William Castillo, workforce development coordinator at Leeward Community College. Castillo’s interview appears as part of a spotlight series on 2020–21 fellows in the Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation.

What leadership skills do you hope to develop as part of the Postsecond­ary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation?

Relationship-building and networking are key skills for any leader. I think that the biggest benefit of a national leadership program is to engage with professionals across the country who have similar interests and passion as you. The ability and confidence to pick up the phone (or send a text) and know that you have a fellow willing to provide insight and feedback is a luxury for any leader. Also, the opportunity to be exposed to the latest and greatest and the best practices from all over the country is an opportunity that is unique to the program.

How do you anticipate your participation in the program will better equip you to support career and technical edu­cation (CTE) students, particularly underserved groups, toward career success?

Garnering insight into successful programs and gaining access to resources at the national level will go far in my effort to support local CTE students. Being able to see what works and learn from the pitfalls of what doesn’t is a learning experience like no other. Especially in a world where information and factors change overnight, being on the forefront of innovation creates a point of view that allows for confident and decisive decision-making.

In your opinion, what are the most important elements of professional development for postsecondary leaders?

COVID-19 has brought the best out of great leaders. Especially in CTE, funding and knowing how to access resources are key elements for any postsecondary leader. Today’s environment is full of uncertainty and, unfortunately, budget cuts. As a leader, you must be able to navigate this uncertainty and continue to support the program and the success of students. Strong communication and informed decision-making is key. These elements inspire confidence, encourage solutions and
drive teams toward the future.

Learn more about the PLSP–ECMC Foundation.

The Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation presents a yearlong professional development experience. The program is intended to develop the organizational leadership and management skills of postsecondary CTE professionals, with an emphasis on addressing the needs of underserved populations. Applications for the third cohort accepted Oct. 1–Dec. 15.

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