Nutrition — Weekly Menu Design

To complete this assignment

  1. Students will review licensing documentation that guides health and nutrition requirements in licensed centers and review the following resources used by high quality programs:
  2. Students are instructed to email their preschool mentor partners and request a few weekly menus to analyze. Menus should be compared to recommended best practices for children ages three through five.
  3. Students are also encouraged to conduct phone or email interviews about the difficulties with preparing well-balanced meals.
  4. Ask students to create a weekly menu for preschool aged children. The final menu must be typed and visually pleasing.
  5. Students will be asked to reflect on the menu they created. “Write a paragraph that states how your menu reflects your commitment to children’s nutritional needs. Use the following prompt: The sample menu shows my commitment to children’s nutritional needs by…”

Prior to the due date for their weekly menu designs, set a date to conduct a check for understanding. Students will post final drafts for classmates to provide feedback via the discussion board.

This content appears as part of Sandra Adams’ lesson plan for blended learning in early childhood education, published in Techniques in September 2020.