Marketing/Economics Collaborative Teaching Model
Delivering Michigan Merit Curriculum Economics Standards Through State Approved Marketing Education Programs Utilizing the Michigan Collaborative Teaching Model
The 2014-2015 Integration of Michigan Merit Curriculum Grant was funded through the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) administered through Berrien RESA, in collaboration with the Michigan Marketing Educators Association. The purpose was to integrate the Michigan Merit Curriculum content into CTE instructional programs so that students can be awarded academic credit.
The grant provided the opportunity to build upon the 2013-2014 Integration of Michigan Merit Curriculum Grant funded through the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). The original project included 19 marketing teachers, 4 economics teachers, 2 English Language Arts consultants, two teacher leaders, and two grant chairpersons.
The model of curriculum integration was utilized to improve Career and Technical Education (CTE) students’ understanding of economics. The final outcome included 37 lesson plans that were distributed at 2 statewide conferences and a web presence. Additional Marketing CIP standards were identified and aligned with the lesson plans. Two project-based learning projects were developed to provide an alternative delivery method for select standards. An end of course assessment was created to measure student achievement.
The collaborative teaching model is required for all CTE programs that are taught by teachers who are not highly qualified in the academic content area (math, science, etc.), but are certified or annually authorized in CTE. The collaborative teaching model was developed by the New York State Education Department. It involves the ongoing, active, and substantive participation of teaching professionals, working in proximity and representing different educational content areas, directed toward the creation and delivery of integrated, aligned instruction. The collaborative teaching of CTE courses is based on criteria that are consistent and demonstrable:
- Involvement of at least one highly qualified teacher of the core academic subject and at least one certified CTE teacher.
- The course is based on the Michigan High School Content Expectations and the applicable CTE technical standards and is co-developed, as indicated by the completion of a curriculum document showing the crosswalk between standards and specifying the assessment or assessments to be used to measure student proficiency.
- Scheduled meetings throughout the school year of all teachers involved in collaborative teaching to discuss student progress.
- Completion of professional development activities involving both core academic subject and CTE subject areas.
- Completion of an annual review by collaborating with teachers of student achievements and the development of suggestions for continuous improvement.
- Submission of an annual report by collaborating teachers to school or school district administration.
A recommended part of the collaborative teaching process includes the completion of a year plan (scope and sequence) for Instructional delivery involving both the core academic teacher(s) and the CTE teacher(s).
MCL 380.1278b(7) The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy that operates a high school shall ensure that each pupil is offered the curriculum necessary for the pupil to meet the curricular requirements of this section and section 1278a. The board or board of directors may provide this curriculum by providing the credits specified in this section and section 1278a, by using alternative instructional delivery methods such as alternative course work, humanities course sequences, career, and technical education, industrial technology courses, or vocational education, or by a combination of these. School districts and public school academies that operate career and technical education programs are encouraged to integrate the credit requirements of this section and section 1278a into those programs.
Our Commitment
The commitment of the Michigan Association of Career and Technical Education (MI ACTE) is to partner with all related agencies to provide a one-stop information finding experiences for teachers, administrators, students, parents and business and industry. MI ACTE is committed to the promotion and advocacy for CTE Programs, teachers, and students throughout the State of Michigan.