KT&IEA – Kansas Trade & Industrial Educators Association

Board Members

KTIEA President: Jake Dreiling
KTIEA President Elect: Chris Mullins
Treasurer: Kevin Berrey

Other resources:
KTIEA Bylaws

Welcome statement 

As President of the Kansas Trade and Industrial Education Association (KTIEA), I welcome all teachers and students to the KTIEA organization.  We look forward to providing an avenue for collaborative professional growth by sharing innovative practices in the trades.  (KTIEA) aims to provide and develop leadership for and by teachers, and students who are in the trade fields.

The objectives of this Association shall be: 

  1. To promote professional growth and leadership among its membership
  2. To constantly improve the standards of the profession
  3. To cooperate with other educational agencies in improving professional relationships
  4. To unify all trade and industrial education interests through representative membership
  5. To encourage students to enter the trade or industrial education teaching field

WHO ARE WE: We are the trades–welders, construction workers, automotive technicians, technology installers and repairs, computer-aided drafting and manufacturing; and cosmetology etc… Just to name a few (not intended to be a complete list).

WHAT IS OUR GOAL: Provide an avenue for collaboration.

HOW DO WE DO IT: By Promoting professional growth, Improving the standards, Cooperate, Unify, Encourage, and inspire teachers and students.

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